The OHA offer a range of awards to recognise our members and celebrate success. Get to know our awards program below and if you know a peer that is a worthy recipient, or perhaps you are yourself, then why not nominate them today!

OHA Medal

The Old Haileyburians Association Medal is awarded annually to an Old Haileyburian in recognition and appreciation of exceptional achievement to the community beyond expectation in their field of endeavour. With over 19,000 members of the Association, to be awarded this medal is a significant achievement.

Outstanding Young Alumni Awards

The Outstanding Young Alumni Awards are presented to multiple recipients each year across five different fields of expertise – Arts, Business, Sport, STEM and Community. Nominees must have graduated from Haileybury within the past twelve years and have made significant achievements in their field of endeavour either locally, nationally or internationally, exemplifying the best attributes of youth in today’s world. They must also have exceptional human values which are an inspiration to others while having rendered excellent and sustained service to the OHA or its alumni community.

OHA Presidents Service Award

The OHA President’s Service Award is presented to members who have provided significant service to the Old Haileyburians Association including but not limited to; OHA Clubs, OHA Council and OHA Services and is not automatically awarded each year. This will be demonstrated by actively contributing to the objectives of the OHA in a volunteer capacity over a prolonged period of time and by playing an active leading role in assisting with the delivery of programs and services to members. Eligible recipients do not receive remuneration for their contribution to the OHA, are positive and constructive representing the values of the OHA, assist to grow, develop and enhance the professionalism of the OHA and are an outstanding role model, respected and held in high esteem by fellow alumni.

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