OHA Grant Application

Guidelines & Application Conditions

The OHA Club Grants Program is designed to:

  • Provide financial support and assistance to OHA Clubs
  • Strengthen OHA Clubs by encouraging activities directed towards:
    • increasing total membership numbers
    • building stronger connections/ties to the school, OHA and other OHA Clubs
    • communicating club news to the broader OHA network to build profile.

The funding cycle occurs bi-annually, to make it accessible to all OHA Clubs given the seasonality of some Clubs activities. Please note that if successful for funding, Clubs will not be able to apply for a further grant for twelve months.

How to Apply:

All applications must be submitted online via this form.

By submitting this form you agree to the guidelines and application conditions.

"*" indicates required fields

Club Details

Main Club Address*

Is the OHA Club Incorporated?

Select One*

Development Plan

It is a goal of the OHA Council to build sustainable and strong clubs to support the OHA Community for years to come. Part of this is to assist all clubs to become Incorporated; and have a strategy, a Board / Committee of Management and a Fundraising strategy. Therefore if not incorporated all Clubs submitting for a Funding Grant must contact the OHA Council office to seek assistance and provide a ‘Development Plan’ as to their intentions and actions to be taken to work towards becoming Incorporated. A ‘Development Plan’ must be attached to this grant submission.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 100 MB, Max. files: 3.

    Club Audit Details

    Please enter a number greater than or equal to 0.
    Please enter a number greater than or equal to 0.
    Please enter a number greater than or equal to 0.
    Please enter a number greater than or equal to 0.

    Engagement with the School

    Connection with other OHA Clubs

    Increasing Membership

    Communication with the OHA Office

    Has the Club provided the OHA Office with regular updates on progress for activities, events, developments and results?*

    Proposed use of Grants Funding if awarded

    Special Conditions for Applying for a Club Grant:
    All Grant recipients must agree to keep OHA Council and the OHA Office updated on activities and results of the Clubs activities. Proof of evidence of how money was spent will be required. To receive funds, OHA Clubs must either be incorporated or taking steps within the next 6 months to become incorporated (if applicable). Prior to receiving funding, Clubs must have signed up to the OHA Good Clubs Guide program.

    Forgotten password?
