International Women’s Day 2023

Today is International Women’s Day! This year’s campaign theme is #EmbraceEquity to get the world talking about why equal opportunities aren’t enough. People start from different places, so true inclusion and belonging require equitable action.

To acknowledge this day, Sam Shinsky (Haileybury Boys School Captain) and the leadership group have created posters that showcase a collection of some of the successful and inspirational women that have attended Haileybury. These posters have been posted around all four Melbourne Campuses for this week.

Please visit to read these inspirational posters from Melissa Allen (OH 2009), Lillie Callow (OH 2013), Amy Dowel (OH 2007), Chelsea Frawley (OH 2010), Sarah Fry (OH 2014), Millie Hogben (OH 2013), Rija Khanal (OH 2008), Amy Lawton (OH 2019), Laura Rabinovich (OH 2012), Laetisha Scanlan (OH 2007), Dayna Schinz (OH 2007) and Jessica Shill (OH 2007).

We acknowledge all of the wonderful women in our community!

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