Where are they Now – David Deitz (OH ’94)

David Deitz (OH ’94) joined the Army in 1995 as part of the Ready Reserve scheme, which involved completing one full time year basic training and learning a particular employment skill, then returning home to study for 4 years. David chose infantry and to study accounting which came with a requirement to work 50-100 days a year as a part time reservist. After a year, David realised he wanted to return to the Army full time and moved to Brisbane’s Enoggera Barracks.

He was posted to multiple units at Enoggera, 8/9 RAR, 2/14 LHR and 6 RAR. It was with 6 RAR when he deployed overseas on multiple occasions. In 2000 and 2006-7, David was deployed to Timor as a specialist in reconnaissance, sniping and tracking. “They were interesting experiences following footprints or broken twigs tracking pro-Indonesian militia supported by Indonesian military who were causing disruption with local people across the border between East and West Timor. In 2006-07 he deployed to provide security and stabilisation to the area after the elections and civil unrest as the country transitioned from East Timor to Timor Leste was “especially meaningful”, David reflected.

David then studied nursing part time, due to having his interest piqued by being a patrol medic as part of his career, for 2 years whilst still serving. He stepped away from infantry for a short break and assisted the medical unit teams with health assessments, pre employment checks and immunisations.

In 2008, David was deployed to Afghanistan and was a bush master driver for a reconstruction task force to help the local Afghani people by building girls schools, women’s hospitals, and patrol bases in order for Australian soldiers to provide more security to Tarin Kowt in the Uruzgan Province. He completed another stint in Afghanistan in 2010 where he was located for 9 months in a patrol base mentoring Afghani soldiers so they could learn how to provide security for their own country and people whilst the Taliban ran rife. Whilst in that location his unit facilitated improvements to the local working environments, and resources including electricity, water supplies and pumps. They had also provided womens’ health hubs run by female doctors and nurses from the ADF once a month. It would normally be a day trip into Tarin Kowt even though 15 km away. Despite the tragic loss of 6 mates on this tour, David witnessed the positive change in the locals in the 9 months they were there.

Upon returning home, David gained a Defence Force scholarship to complete Bachelor of Nursing fulltime and spent 2 years working in perioperative dept. at North West Private Hospital in Brisbane. After which he was then posted to 2nd General Hospital Battalion in Brisbane and was a part of the field surgical unit in the deployable hospital.

David is currently looking after his wife and boys and is appreciating every moment with them, and loves playing football with an over 45’s team! He is “proud of what’s he’s accomplished over 25 years of Army service and seeing the difference the help they were able to provide made”.

Thank you for attending the recent OHA Brisbane Chapter dinner and staying connected, David, and more importantly, thank you for your service to your country.

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