Inspiration Alert – Abby Filliponi (OH 2008)

INSPO ALERT ???? Abby Filliponi (OH 2008) is another one of our inspiration front line workers that we as a country are incredibly grateful for!

Abby studied a Bachelor of Nursing and completed post graduate studies in both emergency and perioperative nursing. She is currently working as a clinical nurse specialist in the operating theatre at Frankston Hospital and the Urgent Care Centre at Phillip Island.

Her intense daily routine was recently broken up when her partner of just under 10 years James proposed to her, bringing much joy during these challenging times. We wish them both a lifetime of happiness.

Abby shared that she is currently learning everyday that there is still so much we don’t know about COVID-19. As hospitals become busier, staff are anxious and unsure. They are sticking together as a team and taking each day as it comes . She loves meeting so many different patients on a daily basis. Everyone is unique and she loves nothing more than to ease them through their journey.

As Abby works in high turn over specialities, it is quite hard going home and leaving her patients after building up a rapport with them. Most recently, the hardest part has been experiencing the effects of the pandemic on our healthcare system.

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